5 Careers to Explore for the Coming Sustainability Revolution

Jeffrey Simmons
Published Jan 28, 2025

The planet is going to have to change in the near future in order for it to survive in the long run. Sustainable and green product and technology promise a different lifestyle for many of us, and it will change the way that we live and work. Not only should we look at sustainability as a welcome change that will improve our world, but we should also look at the opportunities that are associated with it. Specifically, there will be new career fields that will bestow advantages on the early movers in the area. Here are some new and emerging job fields to consider as the green revolution gathers more momentum.

Sustainability Specialist

Companies are paying more attention to sustainability issues across the entire organization. This is true even if the company is not dedicated to the environment. Sustainability issues touch on waste, recycling and green building practices. The specialist provides technical and administrative support for these programs across the company and gives ideas and feedback for how the company can adopt more sustainable practices. They will also help develop corporate strategies. This is a meaningful job that people are beginning to flock to these opportunities so you will have to be qualified and outshine many other job candidates.

Energy Consultant

Energy efficiency is a key part of every company's strategy both to save money and be more environmentally conscious. An energy consultant can evaluate products to determine whether they are energy efficient or they can help implement processes and procedures to help make existing technologies more efficient. The end result is reducing the company's energy usage after assessing current practices. This is a well-paying job but you will need some advanced education in order to be a viable candidate. You can also start your own energy consulting business and work for companies on a contract basis.

Environmental Scientists

It is vital that we study the effects that our practices, both present and future, have on the planet. The goal of this job is literally to protect the earth and the people that reside on it by reducing or eliminating threats and harms to the environment. You can get this job with as little as a bachelor's degree and demand in the field is expected to grow over the coming years. This is a very versatile field as you can work in planning, policy or management. Jobs in this field can be with a company, academic institution or a government agency.

Green Construction

Not only does new construction require the proper amount of planning in order to be effective, but it also needs skilled professionals to execute the plan. Green projects need engineers to devise the plans and people on the ground to put them into practice. Each green construction project will require architects, construction managers and carpenters. The value of green construction projects is soaring and professionals are in demand. For example, in 2005, there were $5 billion in green construction projects. Five years later, the value of these projects went up over tenfold. Most projects today have some sort of green element to them if they are not entirely green. Thus, those who are trained in this new area of construction should see their skills in demand.

Wind Energy Engineers

Wind farms are a growing and critical source of new power with little to no pollution effects. While turbines and wind farms look simple, the reality is that they are not. This career field can involve everything from the design and manufacture of the rotor blades to the planning of the farm itself. All aspects of the design process are included. Wind energy engineers can come from a variety of different backgrounds since there are many different scientific inputs into building a wind farm.

According to the United Nations, there may be as many as 24 million jobs created globally by the green economy if the current trends persist. For employees, green jobs give them an opportunity to earn a living at the same time that they are doing something meaningful. At the same time, increasing demand for these skills mean that the salaries for these positions will be increasing.

This is a new job discipline and it promises to be much like the internet was in the 1990s. Thus, those who are established in green employment early will benefit as these careers take off and demand increases.

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