Trump Predicts a Quick Job Return

Lloyd Buckridge
Published Jan 4, 2025

The nation is very much torn on President Donald Trump, as sides of political parties remain incredibly polarized over his term as POTUS. Though no matter where one stands on his presidency, the fact of the matter is that President Trump has been responsible for millions of jobs returning to America and being created since taking office in early 2019. Everything else there is about which to side with or against, the jobs are there.

This makes Trump somewhat of an authority when it comes to the economy and American jobs, so when he claims that jobs will return "very quickly" once the Coronavirus is under control, it's something that people might want to take seriously.

On early Thursday, March 26, Trump was grilled at a White House press briefing about the sharp and sudden explosion of joblessness that has followed in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. Though without missing a beat, Trump exclaimed that this drop-off was "fully expected" and then boldly predicted that the economy would rebound very quickly, as soon as the United States "overcomes the Coronavirus outbreak."

Per usual, naysayers are claiming it's another in a long line of fibs, while people in Camp Trump are taking his words as gospel. In truth, it's far too early to tell, as anything happening "very quickly" after the virus is under control seems more like wishful thinking or a hopeful message to ease tensions rather than anything to take seriously.

When asked about the Labor Department's report of 3 million new unemployment claims in just one week, Trump stated that it was totally expected and, in fact, shocking that the number wasn't much higher. Trump stated that he heard it "could be 6 million, it could be 7 million," seeming pleased that it wasn't higher than the reported number. "Every day we stay out it gets harder to bring it back," Trump continued about the economy. "I think you'll see a very fast turnaround once you have a victory"

"We've got to start the process pretty soon," Trump continued, in reference to spurring America's economy by opening up restrictions, hopefully by Easter, April 12, so that people can get back to work and commerce can again take off. Though this has been met with very harsh criticism from many people, including scores of medical experts who claim that mid-April, only three weeks away, is far too soon to get back to normal, as they predict the number of people infected by the virus will still be climbing by then.

One of the reasons Trump remains so optimistic is that he believes there are effective treatments. To date, the most effective courses of treatment are still currently in trials. The reason is that if medicine X was given to someone and they got better, there's no scientific way to tell offhand if it was the medicine, or just the immune system of the person who got over Coronavirus, unless serious medical trials are conducted. And these trials aren't done in the course of a week. They typically take months.

A More Realistic Timeline

Trump preaching a message of hope and suggesting we'll bounce back quickly stands in stark contrast of mainstream media, who have been preaching and pushing panic and suggesting this virus will never slow down for over a month now. Day after day, Trump gives a message of hope, media spreads a message of fear. It's a very odd dynamic. It makes it hard for a person to decide which way to turn for a future prospective outlook.

Though if speaking about realism, in no time in American history has there ever been a "quick turnaround" directly after a disaster. What's more likely to happen is that commerce returns slowly. People will crawl back into their grooves, not sprint back and be fine. Businesses will take a while to snap back and profit. People will likely be out of sorts for weeks, not even including how many people may be dealing with grief from losing a loved one. Media is likely wrong about it being the end times, while Trump is likely wrong about everything bouncing back and being just fine.

What we're likely to see is a very slow process, a train that needs to build up a lot of steam before it again starts to push down the tracks. Though what's important right now is that it's moving on the tracks. Whether it comes back up to speed quickly or takes longer than expected, it needs to move for the sake of America.

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