Have You Looked Outside Your Expertise for Employment in 2020?
If you've been unemployed for months due to the Covid-19 pandemic, your county economic development office, your local workforce development office, and your local community college can help you get back to work. Your workforce development office strives to meet the holistic needs of the business community while focusing on you, the skilled worker, in your community. Skilled workers from all walks of life range from blue collar workers and interns to college graduates and Ph.D. candidates.
Eliminating Barriers to Employment
Delightfully problem-focused, your workforce development office will ask you what barriers, if any, are keeping you from holding a job. Barriers range from a family member with Covid-19 to the need to work from home while your children are homeschooled or lack of transportation to and from work. Sadly, employees are losing jobs because they are unable to replace expired credentials, renew licenses or show standardized test scores.
Your Workforce Development Office Will Help You
Your workforce development office can help you find and pay for you childcare, of find you a job you can do from home or walk to or transportation to and from your job. The Workforce Development Office can enroll you in English as a second language classes. If you do not following qualify for another career path, the workforce development office can help you with college courses, career training, trade classes, and certification and licenses.
Virtual Job Fairs
Virtual job fairs held by your local workforce development office allow you to meet and interview with several employers in less time and learn of new opportunities that you never dreamed you were qualified to do. Flexible answers to open questions about your commitment to your employer and previous work experience may get you an interesting new job with a higher pay scale and a chance for advancement.
Millennials and Contract Employees
If you change jobs to get what you want, such as, a paid vacation, a diverse workplace, higher wages, better medical or life insurance benefits, or the chance to learn something new, employers may be reluctant to take a chance on paying for your training as a new employee. With the challenges of globalization, artificial intelligence, and cyber security, technology is constantly changing. Employers may hire you for specific expertise or to analyze and design a solution to a business problem on a contract basis with no further need for your services when the contract ends.
Industry Specific Training
When a new employer moves into the area seeking 17,000 transportation logistics employees, your workforce development office can fund your training even if you don't know the meaning of logistics. The Workforce Development Office has the ability to find, educate and trains employees who are committed to their employers. Rapid employee turnover wastes the employer's money. Businesses trust workforce development to place only trustworthy exemplary employees.
New Technology
Your local community college develops technical courses in response to every change in technology and understands workforce culture to help each business enterprise with its unique challenges. Three or four generations in the workplaces is exhilarating in one business and problematic in another. Workforce development has been solving business problems locally and statewide since the inception of the public school in the United States.
Quality Assurance
You might enjoy a totally new career path. Most manufacturing companies have a quality assurance team that requires a high school diploma or GED at the entry level. Their tuition assistance program can pay for your college degree and with three years of experience, you can become an inspector. With an advanced degree, you may be able to develop new products.
Biotech Companies
Biotech industries seek individuals with four-year degrees to become engineers or technical writers with industry-specific training. Biotech companies whose products are health, safety, or environmental such as fertilizers and pesticides. Chemists may develop new polymers for eyeglasses, pharmaceuticals or alcoholic beverages.
Microwave Technology
Microwave technology is semiconductors, circuity, circuit boards and plasma metals. With training you can be microwave technician, engineer or sales representative. You can work in research and development and salaries are high in all technical fields.
Your workforce development office is the solution to your unemployment problems due to the pandemic. You may find employees working from home, but you won't find a backlog, technical difficulties, or the unfulfilled claims that you may have found when you filed for unemployment.