How to Shine as a Leader in Virtual Meetings and Presentations

Maria Gonzales
Published Sep 18, 2024

Meetings and presentations aren't just for sharing updates or numbers; they're perfect times to show you're a natural leader, even online. 

Here are seven easy tips to help you stand out and have fun doing it.

1. Change How You See Virtual Meetings

Online meetings aren't lesser versions of in-person ones; they're real chances to show you're capable and ready to lead. 

Treat them seriously, and you'll be a step ahead.

2. Nail the Basics

First impressions count, even on Zoom. Dress for success, have good lighting, and an interesting backdrop. 

Be on time or even early to chat before the meeting starts; it shows you respect others' time.

3. Show Your True Self

Bring your unique personality and ideas to each meeting. Don't just blend in; stand out with your creativity and different viewpoints. 

Instead of using lots of buzzwords, speak plainly and share your ideas, even if they're different.

4. Give Praises and Thanks

In a world where everything's online, it's easy to forget to appreciate each other. Be the leader who brings humanity back by celebrating successes and thanking your team

Small gestures of kindness can make a big impact.

5. Welcome Feedback

Good leaders love hearing how they can do better. Treat feedback as a gift, even if it's not all positive, and show you're willing to use it to improve.

6. Stay Engaged

Just because your part is over doesn't mean you should check out. Stay focused, listen, and show you care about the team's overall success, not just your own tasks.

5. Make Your Presentations Pop

When you're giving a presentation, grab everyone's attention. Be engaging, use visuals and stories, and make your message memorable

Remember, it's not just what you say but how you make people feel that they'll remember.

Don’t Miss: Climbing the Ladder: More Than Just a Performance Game

By following these tips, you'll not only show off your leadership skills but also inspire and move your team forward. 

These moments are your chance to shine, so take the lead, enjoy it, and let your leadership qualities light the way.


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