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Career Insights, News, and Advice

Essential reads to help you navigate the world of employment,

job security, and career success.

Are You Planning to Change Your Career Path? Consider Any of the Following Jobs

The vaccination drive the government introduced a while back has brought significant changes. First, the number of covid-19 infections has gone down significantly all over the country. Many jobs ...

Do You Plan to Start Remote Working? Here Are Some Business Ideas You May Consider

If your employer has terminated your contract because they're facing financial challenges brought by the current pandemic, it might be advisable to start a home-based business. Depending on ...

High Turnover Jobs Paying More Than Ever

If you've been to any sort of fast food restaurant in the past few weeks, you may have seen signs outside of their establishments advertising to people that they need help and that they're willing to pay good money for it...

Pay is Increases, But Are Benefits?

Many people have been noticing lately that there are a lot of corporations out there that are starting to pay their employees more money. McDonald's and other fast food chains, Walmart and big box stores, and even Amazon, to name a few. T...

Jobs Report Betrays White House's Boasting

It doesn't really matter where you stand on the political spectrum or who your favorite politician is. The odds are pretty much guaranteed that you've been lied to by this person or these people, and a lot more than once. Politicia...

Your employer has the responsibility of ensuring that you're always safe when working. However, you also have to look after your body at work to preve...

Besides, you might suffer permanent injuries or even lose your life, depending on the severity of your injuries. Therefo...

It might take time to find a job. However, when you find one, your life will have a positive change. For example, you will have a regular paycheck, an...

Sign a Contract before You Start Working You can protect yourself as a worker is by signing a contract before you start ...

The Medical Bubble Keeps Inflating

There have been many different thousands of businesses that have shut down in the United States since the height of the virus pandemic last year. Restaurants, general goods stores, smaller retailers, and all manner of self-owned construc...

September: Make or Break Economic Month

Every month is an important month for the American economy. It's a huge, multifaceted machine with countless moving parts. The economy isn't just the products and freight that ship and the businesses that remain open, but also the peo...