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Career Insights, News, and Advice

Essential reads to help you navigate the world of employment,

job security, and career success.

Remote Jobs In Demand During New Pandemic Surge

Two weeks to flatten the curve. Just another month of lock-downs. Just keep your masks on and it'll be fine. Okay, as soon as the vaccines are released, everything will go back to normal. No, wait, everyone needs mandatory vac...

Your Professional Bio Should Make You Shine. Here's How to Write It

It can be awkward to try to write your own professional bio. How do you sell yourself while still remaining humble and authentic? And how do you fit so much important information about your personal history...

Hiring the right employees is one of the most challenging tasks of operating a business. Getting the right team that will deliver your desired results...

It is also advisable to examine all applicants properly to choose the ones that will fit into your company culture, upho...

The Robotic Future of Employment

There are a whole lot of things that many people are worried about happening in the future. Some are credible threats, while others are mostly media hype. Global warming, an economic crash, running out of fossil fuels, a new Covid variant;...

Best Summer for Teen Jobs in 68 Years

The economy of America is often a mess and certainly another polarizing area of life for its citizens. Since the mid 1950s, when the minimum wage really started to take off all across America, the idea of the "teen job" started to die o...

Is Your Teen Enjoying the Booming Job Market? How They Can Maximize Earnings

Teenagers across the nation are enjoying a booming job market for their demographic. According to recent data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the unemployment rate for teenagers between the ag...

CBS Supports Growing Unemployment Rate

Mainstream media, as in NBC, ABC, Fox, CNN, and CBS, are all failing on television, with abysmal ratings that plummet more every month. Print media isn't doing much better, with publications like the New York Times and the Washington P...

Losing your job is one of the most unfortunate events in life. However, it should not be the end of life because even some of the most successful peop...

The hardest part of accepting your dismissal is to know that you did nothing wrong. You might have asked a challenging q...

Employees have different ways of suggesting that they are about to fire you. They might try to avoid you, allocate your work to someone else, or might...

When you notice them, it might be time to start planning your exit before receiving the termination letter. However, bef...