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Career Insights, News, and Advice

Essential reads to help you navigate the world of employment,
job security, and career success.

Wages and Jobs to Shift Wildly After Covid

Many politicians and business people and others have told us many different times that the job market is changing. Things are moving more and more digital. You cannot walk through any sort of store these days without finding proo...

Mass Layoffs Continue to Plague an Economy Struggling to Recover

It was not a pretty week when it comes to layoffs. Several of the country's top business organizations announced mass layoffs as leaders struggle to keep finances afloat during this unprecedented economic clim...

Democratic Presidential Candidate Joe Biden Proposes 401(k) Tax Overhaul

Lost in all of the more controversial political news has been the unveiling of Democratic candidate Joe Biden's 401(k) tax break policy. The former vice president recently unveiled his plans to overhau...

How the COVID-19 Pandemic May End Up Changing the Job Market Forever

A lot of research on the COVID-19 job market is focusing on how the virus is putting hourly hospitality workers out of work. However, it turns out that there are also some broader, more long lasting changes...

How to Recover From a Job Loss Due to COVID-19

COVID-19 has disrupted virtually every aspect of life today. In addition to the health burden, the economy has suffered a significant hit, causing millions of businesses to either shut down or operate under a reduced capacity. A...

Latest Jobs News Continues to Paint Bleak Picture as Struggles Mount

The US Federal Reserve released a new report on Thursday detailing a grim picture of the jobs situation. More than 36 million Americans filed jobless claims over the past two months. The record-breaking cl...

10 Reasons To Join The Remote Working Revolution

Millions around the world are now able to enjoy the freedom and flexibility of working from anywhere. Whether you are a freelancer, business owner, or just looking for a lifestyle change, there are many reasons why you shou...

Is a Four-Day Work Week the Right Fit for You? What You Need to Know

More and more companies are giving employees the chance to utilize a four-day work week rather than the standard five-day schedule. Is this a good option for you? Here is a look at the details of this ...