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Career Insights, News, and Advice

Essential reads to help you navigate the world of employment,
job security, and career success.

What to Know About Employee Benefits When Searching for a New Job

American business is in the midst of a hiring frenzy. After the severe economic downturn due to the COVID-19 pandemic, business is booming again in most sectors. This means that many Americans are on the hunt...

Michigan Town to Get New Auto Plant, 100 Jobs

Three Rivers is a city in Southwest Michigan, whose township seat bears the same name, and they have been known for being among the last holdouts of the auto industry's desertion some many years ago. American Axle & Ma...

The 5 Skills that All Remote Workers Should Possess this Year

Although the remote working strategy has been a choice for many for more than 10 years now, more organizations had no other option but to let their employees work from home when the Covid-19 pandemic struck. The c...

How Employers Can Manage and Support their Remote Employees

Organization managers need to understand the practices they should embrace in their workplaces to manage and support their remote employees. The techniques will enable their teams effectively and meet their compa...

7 Tips on Changing Your Career Successfully

It is vital to be in a career you enjoy because that is where you'll spend most of your lifetime. If you are in a non-fulfilling job, change to one you are comfortable with as early as possible. However, it would be best if ...

Navigating Workplace Diversity: Cultivating an Inclusive Work Environment

Working with colleagues from all walks of life can be a difficult task. Not only do you have to contend with differing opinions, but also cultural and social differences can make it hard to build co...

Navigating Career Transitions in a Remote Work Environment

The remote work environment is rapidly becoming the standard for many businesses across the world. As this shift occurs, managing career transitions within such an environment can be difficult. Remote work can pre...

These Jobs Are Now Hiring En Masse As a Result of COVID-19 Spreading

While many have lost their jobs, at least temporarily, due to the Coronavirus crisis, some businesses are becoming more profitable than ever before. Unfortunately, restaurants, bars, and the like have large...

Good News, Bad News for Job Market

When the novel coronavirus turned into a full blown pandemic over eight months ago now, America started suffering job losses that have never been seen before. Even during the Great Depression of last century, more Americans kept their jobs...