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Career Insights, News, and Advice

Essential reads to help you navigate the world of employment,

job security, and career success.

Finding Opportunity in a Shifting Job Market

The job market is evolving as we head into 2023. Hiring has slowed across many sectors, indicating that the job search may require more effort. However, for adaptable professionals, opportunities are still out there.  ...

December Jobs Report Shakes Up Markets Amid Strong Economic Outlook

The latest jobs report for December 2023 has sparked a mix of reactions in the financial markets, reflecting the ongoing debate about the state of the US economy and the potential impact on monetary policy....

Networking for the Networking-Averse: Transforming Dread into Opportunity

Networking. The word alone can evoke images of awkward mixers, forced smiles, and the daunting task of making small talk with complete strangers. But what if we told you that networking doesn't ha...

Beyond Degrees: 10 High-Paying Jobs Without Traditional Requirements

In today's competitive job market, a college degree seems like a prerequisite for success. However, breaking free from this conventional belief, many high-paying jobs exist that don't require a deg...

How to Make a Successful Career Switch

Whether you're considering transitioning into a remote job or seeking out new growth opportunities, there are several strategies you can use to make the process smoother. Here's how to make a successful career switch and expl...

Biotech Job Market 2024: Navigating the Road to Recovery

The past year has brought its fair share of challenges to the biotech job market. Layoffs, funding shortages, and economic downturns have left many young professionals wondering about the future prospects of the indus...

Full Employment & Jobs Creation Under Trump is the Worse in Almost 100 Years

Full Employment & Jobs Creation Under Trump is the Worse in Almost 100 Years President Trump once said he would be "the greatest jobs president that God ever created." This is in s...

Knowing When to Change Jobs

One of the most challenging experiences for those in the working world is knowing and learning when the right time is to change jobs. For some, the reasons to change jobs or careers can be motivated purely by financial concerns. And for others...

Navigating the Future Job Market with the Automation Revolution

  Welcome to a new era in the world of work—a time where automation and its impact on the job market have become hot topics of conversation. As technology continues to transform industries, it is c...