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Career Insights, News, and Advice

Essential reads to help you navigate the world of employment,

job security, and career success.

Job Market Momentum Slows - What It Means for Your Career

The job market, which has been red-hot for months, showed signs of cooling down in October according to the latest jobs report. Employers added 150,000 jobs last month - a solid number, but noticeably fewer than in...

The Benefits of Benefits: How Employer-Sponsored Retirement Plans Can Set You Up for Success

Landing a job with great benefits can feel like winning the career lottery. While a competitive salary keeps the lights on, robust benefits like employer-sponsored retirement p...

How AI is Impacting Employment for Skilled Immigrants

Artificial intelligence is transforming many aspects of the workplace, including hiring and recruitment. While AI hiring tools promise to remove bias and streamline the process, recent reports reveal these tools may...

How AI is Changing the Global Labor Market and Skills Needed for Success

In today's rapidly evolving technological landscape, the rise of artificial intelligence (AI) is set to significantly transform the global labor market. According to Karin Kimbrough, Chief Econo...

Protect Yourself Online this Holiday Season with CISA's Safety Tips

  As the holiday season approaches, many of us look forward to online shopping, connecting with loved ones, and seeking out the best deals. However, amidst the festive cheer, it's important to r...

How to Make a Successful Career Switch

Whether you're considering transitioning into a remote job or seeking out new growth opportunities, there are several strategies you can use to make the process smoother. Here's how to make a successful career switch and expl...

Is There an Autumn Hiring Surge Coming? The Stuff You Need to Know Now!

Career consultants advise that you should never take a job that you don't want just because you're desperate. However, your situation sometimes doesn't give you many options, but the fall ...

Looking for Career Advice? Check This Out for Trends Shaping the Future

Just like anything else in this world, things change, and when it comes to careers, new trends are emerging often. Maybe you have a job, but you don't consider it a career. Or maybe you have a car...

The Future of Remote Work: Your Path to a Rewarding Career Shift

In the ever-evolving landscape of careers and employment, few trends have had as profound an impact as the surge in remote work. The world witnessed an unprecedented shift towards remote work due to the gl...