5 Strategies for Getting Your Boss to Support You

Maria Gonzales
Published Oct 1, 2024

In a perfect world, your bosses would always see your hard work and back it without you needing to ask. But reality is a bit different. 

Your boss has a lot on their plate, and sometimes they might not remember to support your projects. It’s also possible they might not realize just how much you need their help, the difference their support can make, or the challenges you’re facing. 

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So, how can you make sure to get the support you need from them? Here are five tips:

1. Show Them What They Gain: Explain how backing your project can also benefit them. This makes it more appealing for them to support you.

2. Be Specific: Instead of just asking for support, provide clear ideas on how they can help. This makes it easier for them to act.

3. Prepare Your Pitch: Have a ready-to-go explanation or "spiel" about your project to make your request for support concise and compelling.

4. Share Your Successes Regularly: Create a habit of sharing weekly wins or progress with your boss. It keeps them informed and highlights the ongoing value of your work.

5. Use the Power of Give-and-Take: Be ready to help your boss in return. By establishing a give-and-take relationship, they may be more motivated to advocate for you.

Take Emily’s story, for example. She was leading an important AI project at a video game company. This project was a big deal for the company, and Emily was excited to be in charge. But she was having trouble getting people from other departments to take the project seriously. 

Meetings were missed, and emails went unanswered. Emily felt that if her boss and other leaders showed more clear support, things would move much faster.

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In situations like Emily’s, it's crucial to find ways to get your boss on your side. Applying these five strategies can make a significant difference in garnering the support and visibility you need for your projects to succeed.


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