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Career Insights, News, and Advice

Essential reads to help you navigate the world of employment,
job security, and career success.

How to Improve Productivity in the Workplace

As an employer, you are already aware of the importance of boosting productivity in the workplace. For instance, to improve the overall performance of your business or organization, you need to boost the focus and dedication of yo...

Your Professional Bio Should Make You Shine. Here's How to Write It

It can be awkward to try to write your own professional bio. How do you sell yourself while still remaining humble and authentic? And how do you fit so much important information about your personal history...

It might take time to find a job. However, when you find one, your life will have a positive change. For example, you will have a regular paycheck, an...

Sign a Contract before You Start Working You can protect yourself as a worker is by signing a contract before you start ...

Offered a Job Buyout? When You Should Take the Money and Run

According to the latest jobs report, the unemployment rate is now at 13.3%, a strong indication that the economy is struggling to stay afloat. While there is a glimmer of hope for the jobs market as states begin t...

NBC News Claims Trump Failed on Jobs

According to NBC News, President Trump's "jobs record is not what he thinks he [sic] it is." They're so anxious to get an anti-Trump headline out that they're not even proof-reading their headlines or prose. That isn't pro-Trump; that's ...

Job interviews are always filled with nervous moments. If you don't know how to handle them, you might end up making a mistake that might affect the o...

However, you might not know that the way to emerge the best candidate in an interview is by overcoming your anxiety befo...

Losing your job is one of the most unfortunate events in life. However, it should not be the end of life because even some of the most successful peop...

The hardest part of accepting your dismissal is to know that you did nothing wrong. You might have asked a challenging q...

Looking for Career Advice? Check This Out for Trends Shaping the Future

Just like anything else in this world, things change, and when it comes to careers, new trends are emerging often. Maybe you have a job, but you don't consider it a career. Or maybe you have a car...

Japanese Flight Attendants Taking on New Roles

The COVID-19 pandemic hasn't just caused mass unemployment in the United States. It's affected countries around the world. One of the hardest-hit industries is travel and tourism. With lockdowns, quarantines and closures, fewer ...