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Career Insights, News, and Advice

Essential reads to help you navigate the world of employment,
job security, and career success.

10 Trade Jobs With 6-Figure Salary Potential

Want a 6-Figure Income Without College? These Trade Jobs Are HIRING! While not everyone has the opportunity to attend college, that doesn’t mean they can’t earn a decent wage. Trade jobs are often overlooked in th...

10 Tips for Staying Productive and Focused While Working from Home

As more organizations embrace the remote work trend, many individuals have to adapt to a different way of working. There's no denying that this newfound freedom and flexibility can be incredibly libera...

Job Market Triumph: NYC Surpasses Pre-COVID Levels, Signaling Revival

  Start spreading the news! New York City's job market has made a triumphant comeback from the dark days of the COVID-19 pandemic, surpassing pre-pandemic employment levels, according to recent fe...

February Jobs Report: Strong Growth Despite Challenges

The latest jobs report for February brings good news for the US labor market, highlighting robust gains and a resilient economy. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, a remarkable 275,000 jobs were added, surp...

Beyond Degrees: 10 High-Paying Jobs Without Traditional Requirements

In today's competitive job market, a college degree seems like a prerequisite for success. However, breaking free from this conventional belief, many high-paying jobs exist that don't require a deg...

Understanding the Disconnect: Why the Job Market Feels Tougher Than Ever

  Despite a seemingly robust job market, many job seekers are struggling to find employment. The numbers suggest a positive outlook, with millions of jobs added and historically low unemployment ra...

December Jobs Report Shakes Up Markets Amid Strong Economic Outlook

The latest jobs report for December 2023 has sparked a mix of reactions in the financial markets, reflecting the ongoing debate about the state of the US economy and the potential impact on monetary policy....

US Job Growth Shows Resilience as Unemployment Rate Drops to 3.7% in November

In a positive development for the US economy, job growth accelerated in November, as the unemployment rate dropped to 3.7%, underscoring the resilience of the labor market. These figures suggest t...

The Changing Nature of Work in the Post-Pandemic World

The job market is always in flux, but the past few years have brought some major changes that have left workers and employers alike scrambling to adapt. As the dust settles from the pandemic's massive disruptio...