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Career Insights, News, and Advice

Essential reads to help you navigate the world of employment,
job security, and career success.

Economists Warn of "Uneven" Job Recovery

The United States Congress and President Trump signed a stimulus for $2.2 trillion that was meant to spur the economy. Though what most media doesn't tell the public is how the money is actually handled. The average person thin...

How AI is Changing the Global Labor Market and Skills Needed for Success

In today's rapidly evolving technological landscape, the rise of artificial intelligence (AI) is set to significantly transform the global labor market. According to Karin Kimbrough, Chief Econo...

Joblessness and Ridicule Cause Anger to Erupt

As of April 14, 2020, over 30 million Americans have found themselves unemployed in developments that only took place over the past few months. What's so shocking for so many is that the industries haven't failed. Amer...

30 Million Jobs Lost, and Counting

As of late April, 2020, the United States of America is looking at 30 million new unemployment claims filed since mid-March. This is an incredible number of people who have lost their jobs, for no other reason than states have deemed mos...

Over 3 Million Americans Unemployed Due to Coronavirus

One of the scariest aspects of the Coronavirus is that we can never really tell just how prolific it is spreading. Because it can gestate and lie dormant for up to 14 days, while those infected can pass it on without ...

May Job Report Predicted to be Bad

As of May, 2020, over 30 million Americans have lost their jobs due to the coronavirus pandemic. For a lot of these unemployed people, their jobs are likely to come back once the virus scare has passed; though for many more, their jobs a...

Thanksgiving Travel Time Now Extends Beyond the Weekend

Welcome to Thanksgiving week! With more people working from home now, the busiest travel days for Thanksgiving are spreading out more than before. Before, most people would travel on the Wednesday right before Thank...