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Career Insights, News, and Advice

Essential reads to help you navigate the world of employment,

job security, and career success.

How the COVID-19 Pandemic May End Up Changing the Job Market Forever

A lot of research on the COVID-19 job market is focusing on how the virus is putting hourly hospitality workers out of work. However, it turns out that there are also some broader, more long lasting changes...

Why Working Moms Are Leaving Their Jobs During the COVID-19 Pandemic

For decades, the percentage of moms who have children under the age of 18 and work outside of the home has risen or remained steady. In 2019, 72.3% of moms who have children under the age of 18 worked at le...

These Parts of the Economy Are Recovering the Fastest

More than 30 million adults lost their jobs as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. Each week, more than 1 million people are filing new jobless claims. However, some industries are enjoying a faster recovery than others. R...

Have You Looked Outside Your Expertise for Employment in 2020?

If you've been unemployed for months due to the Covid-19 pandemic, your county economic development office, your local workforce development office, and your local community college can help you get back t...

Workforce Development Career Paths for the Fourth Quarter of 2020

If you're unemployed and your benefits are about to decrease or you fear eviction and wonder what's next, try a new career path available from those working at home. The office is closed for the saf...

How to Recover From a Job Loss Due to COVID-19

COVID-19 has disrupted virtually every aspect of life today. In addition to the health burden, the economy has suffered a significant hit, causing millions of businesses to either shut down or operate under a reduced capacity. A...

Lose Your Job During the Pandemic? Understanding What to Do Next

The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has left the economy in tatters. As the crisis continues to drag on, more and more individuals are losing their jobs. With unemployment at record highs and many states going backw...

4 Tips for Returning to the Office After Teleworking During COVID-19

Many American workers have been called back to the office after teleworking for months due to COVID-19. It is not always easy to go back after spending so long in a different environment. Work just feels di...

Nearly 5 Million Jobs Added in June. Time to Celebrate? Not So Fast

According to the US Labor Department June jobs report, there were 4.8 million jobs added back to the economy during the last month. This number marks the second consecutive month of significant gains after ...