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Career Insights, News, and Advice

Essential reads to help you navigate the world of employment,
job security, and career success.

These Jobs Are Now Hiring En Masse As a Result of COVID-19 Spreading

While many have lost their jobs, at least temporarily, due to the Coronavirus crisis, some businesses are becoming more profitable than ever before. Unfortunately, restaurants, bars, and the like have large...

Has Your Job Been Impacted by COVID-19? This Information May Help

Just within the past week, almost 300,000 new unemployment claims have been submitted to various states. Since most states have some form of public unemployment insurance, this means that many people will star...

Will 2020 Bring a Revolution in International Job-Creation?

Will 2020 Bring a Revolution in International Job-Creation? CNN Money predicts that 5 million jobs will be lost to robotics technology during 2020. Nearly 10,000 jobs in the retail industry have already been lost ...

Some Job Markets Thrive, Others Nearly Die in Midst of COVID-19

Chances are that by now, you've heard that many employers are either offering employees the option of working from home or demanding that they work from home to combat the Coronavirus issue the nation faces righ...

These Jobs Don't Require a Bachelor's Degree But Pay Well in 2020

A long time ago, only about seven percent of Americans attended college. Employers presumed these young people to be very intelligent and would often train them for free at the workplace. However, college admi...

People Are Freelancing in Record Numbers: Here's Why and How You Can

Since the inception of America, the way that the majority of the populations makes enough money to live has remained pretty consistent. People make an agreement to be compensated either for the amount of ti...

It's Becoming the Norm for Older Employees to Keep Working, But Why?

It's Becoming the Norm for Older Employees to Keep Working, But Why? With the standard age of retirement going up each year, along with standard life expectancy, many assume that people are simply working lo...

Top Trends in the 2020 Job Market to Determine Who Sinks and Who Swims

With an ever-changing job market, one year makes a huge difference in the market. Most trends ushered in by the New Year are related to technology. Knowing and following these can help you with both your p...

5 Careers to Explore for the Coming Sustainability Revolution

The planet is going to have to change in the near future in order for it to survive in the long run. Sustainable and green product and technology promise a different lifestyle for many of us, and it will change the...